Hey Everyone!
Episode 2 is in progress - I just need to 'hire' voice actors. Bahamut and Pokelord-Ex has already said that they'll do it along with my fiancee so I should be able to work with that.
One thing that has caused a slight hiccup is that Sounder Recorder (version 1 in XP) decided to mess up my .mp3's that I was using to record my voice files. I was using that format because I foresee using .wav making the final episode tooooo big. It was either my flash program (I don't use Macromedia Flash BTW) or Sound Recorder being strange. Nevermind, I didn't clear the Recycle bin, so all is well.
Two scenes have been completed and a third is in the works. It seems that it will be longer than the first episode because I worked out the fatal flaw in the first episode. The scenes are just... static (No background action really). No real camera action either. Episode 2 is gonna solve this.
BTW: A movie containing a game integral to finishing the movie.. what does that come under in classification on submission?
Seeya all later on the net!
EDIT: Ok, here is a small image picture/sploiler of the second episode. I've pixelated the villains face to keep some suspense for the flash.